To create an account, send me an email ( with:
Support questions about Datarmor should be sent to
Outside the Ifremer Network, PulseSecure is required. It can be downloaded here.
Install the right version depending on your OS:
Now set-up a new connection as follows:
Connect to the Datarmor VPN using your extranet logins and leave it open until you have finished.
For Linux/Mac Os X users, open a Terminal and types:
ssh -X
replacing nbarrier
by your intranet login. The -X
option allows display (for use of text editors for instance). If the -X
option does not work, use -Y
For Mac Os X users, I recommend to install and use iTerm2 Terminal application, which is more user friendly than the default one.
For Windows Users, it is recommended to use Putty or MobaXTerm
Putty connection window
To allow display, you need to enable X11 forwarding on the Connection > SSH
Putty configuration window
To connect on Datarmor without typing the password, you need to use an ED25519 key. First, check if one already exists on your local computer:
ls $HOME/.ssh/
If no such file, generate a key using
ssh-keygen -t ed25519
and follows instructions. Then, send it to Datarmor (the intranet password is needed):
Use your login instead of nbarrier
. Now you should be able to connect to Datarmor without typing your password.
Datarmor is a Unix computer. You need some Linux background.
cd my/new/directory
cd ..
mkdir -p folder_name
touch file.txt
cp file.txt save_file.txt
rm -r file.txt
mv file.text my/dest/renamed.txt
Visit linux-commands-cheat-sheet for a summary of essentials Linux commands.
Important folders are:
: main folder (50 Go, backed-up). For codes and important things$DATAWORK
: data folder (1 To, no back-up). For data.$SCRATCH
: temporary folder (10 To, files older than 10 days are automatically removed). For running computation./dataref
: folder containing some reference data (Copernicus data, atmospheric forcings, etc.)/home/datawork-marbec-pmod
: Marbec DEN folder (limited access)To recover deleted files from
, send an email to
To work with external tools, you need to load them into Datarmor’s memory. This is done as follows:
module load R ## load one module
module load java NETCDF ## load 2 modules
module load vacumm/3.4.0-intel ## load a specific version
To list all the available modules:
module avail
To list the modules that are loaded:
module list
To unload a module:
module unload R
To unload all the modules at once:
module purge
By default, the rm
command does not ask you whether you are sure or not. Might be error prone. We might want to correct it.
To change some default behaviours, you need to create/edit a Linux configuration file.
gedit ${HOME}/.cshrc &
character implies that you will keep access to your terminal. Else, the terminal will be back once the text editor is closed.
In the .cshrc
file, you can overwrite existing commands and create new ones:
You can also create environment variables (accessible via $
You can also load your favorite modules automatically by adding the module load
command in your .cshrc
module load R
When you connect on Datarmor, you end-up on the login node. It is used for navigation, small file manipulation, text edition, code compilation but nothing more!
Absolutely no computation or heavy file manipulation should be done from here!!!
Heavy stuff should be done on a compute node, which are accessible by submitting a PBS job using the qsub
To run an interactive job, type the following command line
qsub -I -l walltime=01:00:00 -l mem=50M
The -l mem
specifies the requested memory, -l walltime
specifies the requested calculation time.
Job is ended by typing exit
on the terminal.
Running interactive jobs imply that you leave your connection open until the job is finished.
To run a job in a non-interactive way, you need to create a .pbs
file, which contains the instructions for running your job.
When done, run the calculation as follows:
qsub run_script.pbs
Job output files will be provided in a run_script.pbs.oXXXX
file, with XXXX
the job ID.
Some examples are provided in Datarmor’s /appli/services/exemples/
folder (see the R
and pbs
#PBS -l mem=100M
#PBS -l walltime=01:00:00
## Load the modules that will be used to do the job
source /usr/share/Modules/3.2.10/init/csh
module load R
## go to the directory where the job has been launched
## Run R
Rscript script.R >& output.log ## redirects outputs into log
Parallel jobs are run in the same way, except that a queue (-q
) parameter is added. It specifies the resources that you will use.
#PBS -l mem=100M
#PBS -q mpi_2
#PBS -l walltime=01:00:00
source /usr/share/Modules/3.2.10/init/csh
module load NETCDF/
$MPI_LAUNCH program.exe >& out
In the above, 2 nodes, each containing 28 cores are requested, so 56 cores in total
The full description of Datarmor queues is provided here. Most important ones are:
: the default one (single core)omp
: shared-memory queue (several nodes with access to the same memory).mpi_N
: distributed memory queue (several nodes with independent memories), with N
ranging from 1 (28 cores) to 18 (504 cores)big
: distributed memory with 1008 cores.ftp
: queue used to upload/download data to/from remote FTP serversgpuq
: GPU queue.A good practice is to copy everything you need (code + data) to $SCRATCH
and run your calculation from here:
To repeat a job a certain number of times (if your model has stochasticity for instance), you can use job arrays:
#PBS -l mem=10M
#PBS -l walltime=00:01:00
mkdir -p output_${PBS_ARRAY_INDEX}
touch output_${PBS_ARRAY_INDEX}/toto.txt
To run the job:
qsub -J 0-10 seq.array
It will run the job 11 times, with PBS_ARRAY_INDEX
ranging from 0
to 10
To run a job in a chained mode (i.e.job2
depends on job1
), first run a job using the -h
option (freeze the job):
qsub -h -N Job1 script1.pbs
Now, run a second job depending on the result of the first job:
qsub -N Job2 -W depend=afterany:'qselect -N Job1 -u $USER' script2.pbs
Finally, release the first job:
qrls 'qselect -N Job1 -u $USER'
Note: replace
(no error) orafternotok
To follow the status of your job:
qstat -u nbarrier
Status | Description |
C | Job is completed after having run |
E | Job is exiting after having run |
H | Job is held |
Q | Job is queued, eligible to run or routed |
R | Job is running |
To suppress a job:
qdel 9255575.datarmor0 ## replace by the ID of the job to kill
At the end of the job, check the email you receive and look for the following lines:
If you requested more memory/walltime than you used, adapt your needs for the next time (cf. here for more details)
Data exchange between local computer and Datarmor should not be done on the compute node, especially so for heavy files (no use of scp
To exchange data, use the
server, to which you can connect using FTP. Your intranet logins are required.
Note: you need to be on the Ifremer network. If not, the VPN should be on.
Is is advised to use FileZilla to do that
Filezilla windows
To recover data from a remote FTP server, submit a job on the ftp
queue. An exemple is provided below (inspired from /appli/services/exemples/pbs/ftp.pbs
#PBS -q ftp
#PBS -l walltime=02:15:00
time rsync -av login@server:/source/folder /destination/folder/ >& output
This will need some adaptation depending on the remote server.
Sometimes, you might need external tools that are not available on modules. One way to use these tools is to create your own Conda environments, which is possible on Datarmor (cf. Conda sur Datarmor).
First, edit your .cshrc
file (using gedit $HOME/.cshrc &
) and add:
source /appli/anaconda/latest/etc/profile.d/conda.csh
Then, close and reopen the datarmor connection and type
which conda
to see if conda
commands are accessible.
Now, create a .condarc
using gedit $HOME/.condarc &
and write:
- /my/env/folder
- /home1/datahome/nbarrier/softwares/anaconda3-envs
- /appli/conda-env
- /appli/conda-env/2.7
- /appli/conda-env/3.6
- conda-forge
- defaults
Replace the first line by a folder of your choice. It will contain your own environments.
To list the environments:
conda env list
To activate an environment:
conda activate pyngl
To deactivate an environment:
conda deactivate pyngl
To create a new environment:
conda create --name new-env
To install packages in the activated environment:
conda install package_name
For a R environment:
conda create --name r-env
conda activate r-env
conda install r r-base
To remove an environment:
conda env remove --name r-env
Conda can be used to run PBS jobs as follows:
#PBS -l mem=4g
#PBS -l walltime=00:10:00
## for CSH
source /appli/anaconda/latest/etc/profile.d/conda.csh
## for BASH
#. /appli/anaconda/latest/etc/profile.d/conda.csh
conda activate myconda
python >& output
In order to process data in a fancy way, you can use Jupyter. To do so, connect on with your Intranet login.
Jupyter connection window
Note: you also need to be on Ifremer Network or with the Datarmor VPN activated
Now, select the resources that you want (core + memory)
Jupyter resource selection window
Warning: do not specify an optional environment
When the server is on, click on the New
button and choose the Conda environment of your choice.
Jupyter notebook window
To use Jupyter with your own R, Python or Matlab environments, you will need to install the following additional libraries to your Conda environments:
conda install r-irkernel ## for R
conda install ipykernel ## for Python
conda install matlab_kernel ## for matlab
To use Jupyter with Julia, run Julia (installed with conda
) from your environment and type:
using Pkg
If all your R libraries have been installed with a R version provided by Datarmor, you must manually install the R Kernel. To do so:
conda activate jupyterhub
Load the R module of your choice, for instance module load R/3.6.3-intel-cc-
Open an R console by typing R
. Then type:
Leave the R console (quit()
). You should have a new folder in $HOME/.local/share/jupyter/kernels/my-r
and copy the output that is prompted in the Terminal.
In the my-r
folder, edit the kernel.json
file and edit it by adding a env
variable that contains the output of the LD_LIBRARY_PATH
. It should look like this
Restart your JupyterHub server. You should see your environment.
To acknowledge Datarmor on your publications, add the following lines to your paper:
The authors acknowledge the Pôle de Calcul et de Données Marines (PCDM, for providing DATARMOR storage, data access, computational resources, visualization and support services.