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This function generates GitHub Actions workflows for specific tasks. The yaml file association will be created at the root of the R working directory under folders ".github/workflows". Theses folders will be created automatically if necessary (you need to have the correct computer's file system access).


add_github_action(github_action_name, arguments = NULL, test_mode = FALSE)



Mandatory. Class "character" is expected. Identification of the GitHub Action that you want to generate.


Optional. Class "NULL" of "character" is expected. By default NULL. Argument(s) for a dynamic substitution in the GitHub Action template.


Optional. Class "logical" is expected. By default FALSE. Optional argument used for the unit tests. Don't use it in a regular way.


No return in the R environment. If the function run successfully, the yaml file associated with the GitHub Action workflow is created in the folders ".github/workflows" at the root of your working directory.


GitHub Actions workflows developed so far are:

  • "mirror_github_git", create a workflow to establishing a mirror between a GitHub repository and a repository from another Git. For this process, you need to fill three variables in the "arguments" parameter: "github_repository_source_url", "secret_token_name" and "git_repository_target_url". A full documentation is available through this link.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# example for "mirror_github_git" GitHub Action workflow creation
add_github_action(github_action_name = "mirror_github_git",
                  arguments = c("github_repository_source_url" = "url_source",
                                "secret_token_name" = "my-awesome-token-name",
                                "git_repository_target_url" = "url_target"))
} # }