Do you belong to the UMR, or not, and have some pieces of code, technical documentation or any other informatics resources that you’d like to test, standardize or even share? Do you have an idea and wonder whether the process has already been developed by someone else? Then you’ve come to the right place!

This site, and by extension the associated resources, are the result of several hours’ work and joint reflection on subjects which, in the final analysis, are often transverse between people. Its aim is to centralize and standardize as much as possible what has been done, and its success depends entirely on the synergy we bring to creating content. In fact, these resources are just the tip of the iceberg in terms of the relationships and links we can forge with each other on our work.

If you’d like to contribute in some way, the key is not to be discouraged by the size of the task, which can be frightening, but to start by taking the first step. You’ll quickly realize that behind any problem or obstacle, you’ll find a rich and friendly community that’ll be able to help you, always with the aim of sharing and optimizing informatics resources.

Behind the many different types of content we can share with each other, from markdown documentation to packages or software developed by the community, the idea is to establish standards between us that guarantee the integrity and interoperability of the content and resources available. These standards can be seen as rules, but in no way should they be assimilated to barriers to your involvement. For example, if you’re stuck on specific points (such as translating a procedure into another language or not knowing how to use forges such as git), turn to the community and you’ll find all the help you need.

In general, here are a few guidelines to be considered before publishing resources:

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